Mr. FENG, Zhaohang will receive the top prize of CBMS Excellent Research Award and GSFS Dean’s Award for his master thesis. Title of his master thesis “Mechanism of tRNA anticodon cleavage by the contact-dependent growth inhibitor protein activated by the amino acid biogenesis factor” ーー> Press release, Publication
馮 炤航(FENG, Zhaohang) がメディカル情報生命専攻のExcellent Research Awardの最優秀賞(修士課程),および新領域創成科学科研究科長賞 (修士課程)を受賞することが決定しました。修士論文題目「 Mechanism of tRNA anticodon cleavage by the contact-dependent growth inhibitor protein activated by the amino acid biogenesis factor」ーー>記者発表、発表論文